A workshop focusing on the key characteristics that the best PE leaders possess.
Experiences from the shopfloor shared with a review of the SERVE Leadership model.
Interactive, reflective and engaging with opportunities for delegates to reflect upon their practice whilst planning for the future.
Interactive workshop with a review of the key characteristics of the GREAT PE Teachers and GREAT PE Lessons.
Delegates provided with an opportunity to review and reflect upon their practice. Winning PE Teaching Ideas showcased and shared.
Opportunities to transition from the classroom into practical space to showcase activities for delegates to takeaway and adopt into their own practice.
Practical and Classroom based workshop focusing on introducing the Physical Literacy Concept.
PE teachers armed with an understanding of this concept are better equipped to tailor their teaching to each individual in their lessons.
The workshop will challenge thinking and current practice of delegates with PL strategies linked to delivery, curriculum and assessment.
Practical workshop introducing non-traditional curriculum ideas from around the world.
Activities such as American Football, Kabaddi and Handball demonstrated with the focus being on delegates being equipped and confident to trial these activities in their setting.
Quick-fire practical showcase of transferable and winning ideas for teachers to take away and utilise within their own teaching tool-kit.
Inclusive, high-energy activities to set the perfect tone at the start of an engaging PE lesson.
A seminar style session focusing on the golden nuggets and key discussion points from the best-selling 'Wanna Teach PE'.
Opportunity to meet prior to delivery to tailor the session to your audience and any key messages you are keen to reiterate.
Content can be tailored to colleges, universities and teachers too.
A full day of delivery, review and support in your school.
Opportunities for joint learning walks, review of curriculums, student & staff voice, specific CPD and reporting/feedback to Senior Leadership.
Days are designed with you to support development and can be an individual day or part of several days to track progress over an academic year.
Delivery of a range of non-traditional curriculum ideas to classes throughout the day.
Opportunities for class and PE teachers to observe and join in too!
PE Coffee talk/review of the day with staff included along with whole school/year group assemblies too.
Support and review of the GCSE PE delivery in your school.
Opportunity for sessions focused around theory, coursework and practical sessions to maximise the output and progress of your learners.
Support also included around preparing for Moderation Days and the build up to these crucial events in the PE calendar.
Practical CPD workshop focusing on a range of practical activity ideas that can be transferred and adapted to any context.
High energy, inclusive ideas for staff to takeaway and implement in schools to further increase engagement in pupils.
Delivery of a range of non-traditional curriculum ideas to classes throughout the day.
Showcasing of Kabaddi, handball and American Football to equip foundation teams to be able to deliver non-traditional curriculum ideas in schools.
Content tailored towards KS1 or KS2.
An opportunity for staff to reflect upon their own practice.
Golden nuggets from 'Wanna Teach PE' reviewed in an interactive classroom workshop.
Focus around the key characteristics of the most effective PE lessons and PE teachers.
Wanna Teach PE